1-1 Sound Therapy Session
Nourishing, Rebalancing Sound Healing Treatment with Certified Sound Therapy Practitioner from ASHA
Service Description
Relax the mind, body and soul through sound and music. Aimed at supporting you to relax your body, quiet and calm your mind, and enable a reprieve from your daily stresses and worries. Sound Therapy is ideal for stress and pain reduction, deep relaxation, healing and personal transformation. A Sound Bath is a form of therapy where sound waves and vibrational frequencies are used to access deep states of relaxation and meditation. Using Sympathetic Resonance, a phenomenon that causes physical changes within matter and living organisms - in a sound bath we are intentionally using sympathetic resonance in a therapeutic context to cause a harmonising affect on our bodies, brains and nervous systems on a deep cellular level. Instruments are carefully selected for their resonance and frequencies, such as gongs, singing bowls, percussion, chimes, tuning forks, and even the vibrations of the human voice throughout the body to heal and transform our mental and physical state. We can consciously harness and utilise the essences of particular resonances and frequencies of sounds and vibrations to affect healing and transformation within our bodies in a therapeutic process – including physical cellular changes – and to our mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Contact Details
0431 086 569